If you are interested in self-defense, the empowerment of women, youth and all persons, do not miss this course that is being taught for the first time in the Netherlands / Brussels! With a unique methodology that is the only of its kind in the world, IMPACT training has proven to be the most effective type of training for all people, regardless of age, gender, and physical condition.
Our mission is for no one to live in fear, and for all people to know that they have the internal capabilities to, if necessary, defend themselves against any type of aggression. What was originally designed by and especially for women, our method has proven to be valid for all people: women, men, non-binary, youth and people with physical disabilities, vulnerable groups and people who have suffered any type of personal trauma.

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or by phone on +32 (0)491526232
Impact Global Basics course in empowerment and personal safety
What makes our program special and different
Impact Global has developed a unique method that has proven to be the most effective method of learning empowerment and self-defense for all types of people. It is based on simulating realistic conflict and assault scenarios with highly qualified instructors. It is a special progressive learning technique that, by simulating these scenarios and learning in an adrenalized state, ensures that the body absorbs the techniques in an organic way and will stay with you for life.
Our methodology allows anyone to learn regardless of age, fitness level or physical limitations. We work around existing injuries and disabilities to find what works best for your body.
What will you learn
In our flagship 16-hour course, you will learn verbal and physical defense tactics for a wide range of real-life scenarios including dealing with strangers and people you know.
You will work on skills that will increase your capacity to recognize risky situations, how to avoid them, set boundaries and understand the key role that intuition plays in your personal safety.
And, despite all the amazing physical skills IMPACT teaches, the best thing you gain is the understanding of how NOT to fight; and, instead, how to see trouble coming and avoid it, how to talk your way out of sticky situations, and how to maintain grace under pressure.
For whom
To anyone interested in empowerment and self-defense for themselves.
We assure you that this training will forever change your self-perception, the awareness of your inner strength and your ability to defend yourself.
People who work on the empowerment of women and other vulnerable groups
This method is especially helpful to empower women, LGBTIQ+ people and anyone in a vulnerable situation, such as victims of human trafficking, refugees, disabled people, etc.
Knowing this method will help you as a person and a professional, in your work and commitment to equality, practicing your right to set boundaries and to defend yourself and others.
Self-defense instructors
If you are already working in the field of self-defense, this course will undoubtedly interest you. You will be able to learn a new approach and methodology with more than 35 years of proven experience in more than 30 countries and in all types of situations.
Martial Arts instructors and practitioners
Although it is not necessary to have a physical foundation or training in martial arts to learn how to defend yourself, we know that many people who practice martial arts are interested in learning and teaching self-defense methods.
Perhaps you are interested in being an instructor and helping other people discover their inner strength and their innate ability to defend themselves in any situation.


Jennifer Bunting
“I saw that I had the right and the ability to defend myself, that it was something natural that was already in me.”
Jennifer Bunting has been training herself and others for over 20 years in Empowerment and Self-Defense alongside her full-time profession in music management. Her interest in and first experience with a self-defense course was a direct result of being assaulted two times, leaving her with a sense of fear that was also clear to others.
She had already participated in a regular self-defense course when her employer at the time recommended her the IMPACT Basics course. As she participated in the IMPACT course, she realized she did not remember much from the regular course she once took. The IMPACT Basics course was transformative for her. “I saw that I had the right and the ability to defend myself, that it was something natural that was already in me. Once I understood this power I knew I had to get involved and spread this empowerment to others.”
Jennifer now lives in Los Angeles and is a Global Impact instructor; what gives her the most satisfaction is teaching these courses to high schoolers.

Amnon Darsa
“IMPACT is the missing link between Krav Maga and any other self defense program”.
Amnon Darsa is the owner and head instructor at S.M.A.R.T Krav-Maga. He is one of the most recognized and highest-ranked GIT’s (Global Instructor Trainers) in the world.
Before creating S.M.A.R.T Krav Maga, Amnon spent more than a decade working with the
International Krav Maga Federation and Krav Maga Global. As the lead global instructor in both of these organizations, he has developed unmatched expertise in all sectors of Krav Maga, and his contribution to the field of Self Defense is immense.
In 2018, he was introduced to IMPACT training in Israël and decided to start training to become a padded instructor. Soon afterward he joined the IMPACT Global travel team. When talking about the IMPACT method, Amnon often mentions two main reasons for him to do what he does:
As a self-defense expert, he often refers to IMPACT as the “missing link” between Krav Maga and any other self-defense program. Recognizing IMPACT’s unparalleled training efficiency that is accessible to all persons.
As a parent of two, he wants to contribute to a safer environment for his children. Being an IMPACT instructor allows him to do so.
Amnon lives in Israël with his family, traveling the globe to teach Krav Maga and IMPACT to all different types of people.